About Us

Get to know MLVTC

Elimelech Kigembe, General Secretary ELCT-Northwestern Diocese:"I like MLVTC. It is nothing but a solution for our region´s vibrant youth, making them employable to meet inevitable current digital standards"
Heino von Groote, deputy-chairman of BBT: "In my professional life I was working as a teacher in a well known vocational training center in Germany. With my work for MLVTC I aim to assure high quality of training and thereby success of MLVTC-graduates in their later employment"
Rev. Frederick Muganyizi, District Pastor - Kusini B, ELCT-NWD:"I respect MLVTC, an institution, where youth given skills, which open their eyes to look at a large digital market, as an opportunity depending not only on formal employment!"
Benetson Kamugisha, Principal:
Klaus Lurse: "Since my first visit to Tanzania I invested a lot of power and energy to ensure that MLVTC delivers an exellent quality in training and a good environment to ensure the success of our students in exams and later employment!"
Nicolaus Tinkamwesigile, Deputy General Secretary - ELCT.Northwestern Diocese: "MLVTC is a youth´s employment solution"

Our Story

MLVTC was founded as a private charitable Limited in close partnership between the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania, Northwestern Diocese (ELCT-NWD) and the German charity association "Berufsbildung Tansania e.V." in the year 2012. ELCT and BBT are the owners of the Muleba Lutheran Vocational Training Centre.

BBT is a small group of private persons of different religions who aim to support the vocational training of young people in Tanzania. The main purpose of BBT is to raise the funds needed to finance investment and equipment for the MLVTC, as well as student scholarships.

MLVTC is managed by a Management Board, whose members are:

  • Benetson Kamugisha (Principal)
  • Nicolaus Tinkamwesigile, (part time Manager)

Our Mission

MLVT delivers an excellent standard of training with VETA registration, which leads after passing the final VETA-exams to a VETA level II certificate.

The Supervisory Board  gives advice to the Management and supervises the work of the MLVTC Management.

Members are:

  • Klaus Lurse (Chairman, delegate BBT)
    • mail: klurse@klurse.de
  • Rev. Elimelech Kigembe (Co-Chairman, General Secretary ELCT-NWD)
  • Rev. Frederick Muganyizi (District Pastor ELCT-NWD, Kusini B)
  • Heino von Groote,  (delegate of BBT)

Our Objectives

1. To train young people from the local area in selected professions over a set space of time
2. To strengthen the ability of young people to earn their own income from employment or self-employed work
3. To employ and support competent teachers and provide for the best possible education in accordance with the requirements of the syllabus
4. To establish a well-constituted administration leadership capable of operating the center in such a way that the environment is conducive to learning and personal development

Meet Our Teachers

These teachers will join and lead you on your path to learning and success in final graduation

Holiness Michael


  • Matron
  • Trainer: Life skills, English and Communication skills & Entrepreneurship.

Degree: Bachelor of Arts with Education.

Josiah. K. Dominick


  • Training Coordinator.
  • Trainer: ICT, Computer Mathematics and Engineering Science.

Degree: Bachelor of Science in Information Systems

David Ezekiel


  • MLVTC Office Assistant.
  • Patron.
  • Computer Application Trainer/ Computer Technician

Degree: VETA-Level II in ICT

Aidath Saad Amri


  • ICT Trainer/ Short courses

Degree: VETA-Level II in ICT

Denis Rutta Pangani


  • Electrical Installation Trainer

Degree: VETA-Level III in Electrical Installations
