
Our German Partners from Berufsbildung Tansania e.V. (BBT) aim to grant a limited number of scholarships to students whose families are not able to pay the full school fees

The BBT mission

When they supported the foundation of MLVTC the basic idea behind BBT was the fight against poverty. By offering young people the chance to receive training in skills and abilities which will enable them to find well-paid work after graduation, they lay the groundwork for self-support and a life without help from outside.

With this goal in mind BBT wants to make sure that also children of poor parents get access to training at MLVTC. 

Due to limited resources BBT can, however, grant only a limited number of scholarships per year.



  • You have passed  form IV in secondary school
  •  The  religious leader in your community confirms that  your family is in a economic situation which does not enable them to pay the full school fee
  •  You behave well and show satisfying results in learning while you are studying at MLVTC
  •  You are enrolled  for a long-term  training course at  MLVTC

How to apply for a scholarship

  • With support from the principal or teachers at MLVTC you write an application letter to BBT
  • You attach the confirmation letter from your religious leader
  •  BBT checks your application and -in case of success- confirms  your scholarship
  •  In case of misbehaviour or poor results  in your studies  BBT may withdraw the grant for scholarship